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Soybean Parentage Information

The soybean parentage information in this database was partially gleaned from the Uniform Soybean Tests for the Southern and Northern regions as well as other sources such as USDA technical bulletins, variety registrations and PVP applications. The strains that appear here were part of the uniform trials and not the preliminary trials. In most cases, the pedigree of individual strains was followed back to named strains in both maternal and paternal lineages where possible. In some cases, the parentage of strains was not specified by the cooperators in the tests. In those cases the maternal and paternal parents are labeled as "Unspecified". In some cases, the actual parental information is partially or completely unknown. In those cases the unknown parentages is labeled with "Unknown". When available, synonyms for the strains were also collected. If a strain was named its PI number was also included as a synonym. In cases where the strain was found to be covered by PVP protection, the PVP registration number was also included. Because of the sources used, not all named soybean strains are listed. For additional information the user should consult the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) search page.

Strain names are prefixed with a code that identifies the program that produced them. The code is usually the first two letters in the strain name followed by the year it was released as a two digit number. A description of the code prefixes can be found here. Strains originating from Pioneer Hybrid generally begin with the letter "P" followed by 4 digits ie P2345. Some Pioneer strains have names of the form P followed by two digits followed by one letter followed by two digits ie P49M23.

We welcome submissions by the community of new or updated pedigree information. Please use this data submission Excel spreadsheet to submit your pedigree data.

To find the immediate parents of a line or cultivar, type the cultivar name or strain indentifier in the box below. Reset

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Record for Cultivar Essex

CultivarSynonymsMaternal Parent X Paternal ParentCommentGoogle Search (New Window)
Essex V66-180
PI 548667
Lee X S5-7075S55-7075 has been incorrectly identified as the male parent in some records, Registration says S5-7075Scour Google For This Line

Records Containing Essex

CultivarSynonymsMaternal Parent X Paternal ParentComment
6925 PI 556902
Essex X ForrestNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900284
A4997 Asgrow A4997
PI 556688
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
Asgrow A3127 PI 556511
Williams X EssexPVP 7700096
Asgrow A3659 A3659
PI 556572
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8000086
Asgrow A3860 A3860
PI 556526
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700100
Asgrow A3966 PI 556687
Williams X EssexPVP 8300139
Asgrow A4268 PI 556528
Williams X EssexPVP 7700101
Asgrow A4997 PI 556688
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
Asgrow A5308 PI 556685
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100084
Asgrow A5312 PI 556527
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700111
Asgrow A5409 GA7520 X Essex
Asgrow A5424 A5424
Williams X Essex
Asgrow A6381 PI 527703
N72-3038 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400095
Asgrow X5421 X5421
Essex X K1017
Asgrow XP4136 Williams X Essex
B335 PI 556766
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500116
Bass PI 548652
BSR 301 X Essex
Chesapeake PI 583366
Essex X V71-793PVP 9400199
Coker 393 PI 556741
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400018
Coker 425 PI 556744
Corker 69-119 X EssexCoker's Pedigreed Seed Co.
Corsica PI 559931
Essex X HarperPVP 9200074,
DPL 105 PI 556635
Dare X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100151
DPL 415 PI 556906
Deltapine 415
DPX 1091
Essex X DPX 436Delta and Pine Land Co., PVP 8900087
EF59 Essex X Forrest
Essex MON RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably based on Essex
FFR 398 PI 556905
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 8900109
FFR 464 PI 540877
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000160
FFR 561 FFR561
PI 556826
TJS 329
Essex X V68-920Southern States Seed Co., PVP 008700012, FFR Cooperative
Hartz 5171 PI 556721
D66-12392 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300126
Hartz H5033 Asgrow A5474 X Essex
HC76-4030 ( Williams x RansomX Essex
HC76-4449 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC77-1418 L72U-640 X Essex
HC78-1093 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1119 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1651 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1884 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1931 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-261 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-279 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-349 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-350 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-353 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-354 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-356 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-660 Essex X L74D-619
HC79-1737 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC80-1211 Essex X Elf
HC81-1134 Gnome X Essex
HS 339 PI 556831
Asgrow A3127 X ( Williams x Essex )Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700052
HSC 721 PI 538774
[ ( Forrest x Essex ) x BedfordX TracyAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9000111
Hutcheson PI 518664
V68-1034 X Essex
K1099 K1022 X Essex
K1103 Union X Essex
K1106 ( Williams x CallandX Essex
K1119 KS4390
PI 559933
K1022 X Essex
K1145 Essex X Cumberland
K1146 Essex X K1062
K1148 Essex X Cumberland
K1154 V76-482 X Essex
K81-27-278 KS5292
PI 559934
Forrest X EssexPVP 9200077
KS4390 PI 559933
K1022 X Essex
KS5292 PI 559934
Essex X ForrestPVP 9200077
KY79-0237 PI 515961
Williams X EssexPVP 8700164
KY82-0881 DeSoto X Essex
KY82-1482 K1035 X Essex
KY85-11020 Essex X Elf
L78-8138 L73-4124 X Essex
L78L-449 [ ( ( Hill x Dyer ) x ( Clark x Harosoy ) ] X Essex
L78L-688 L73-6626 X Essex
LS77-952 Essex X Clark 63
LS90-1920 PI 6044100
Essex X FayetteCV-394
Md85-2048 Bass
PI 548652
BSR 301 X Essex
MD85-5443 PI 559931
Essex X HarperPVP 9200074
MFS-553 PI 608574
Essex X CampPVP 9900135
N75-2213 Young
PI 508266
Davis X Essex
N76-098 N70-1741 X Essex
N76-325 N69-5020 X Essex
N77-114 Essex X N70-2173
N79-606 Essex X Centennial
N79-856 Essex X N70-3037
Northrup King RA-452 NK RA-452
NK RA452
Northrup King RA452
Williams X Essex
Northrup King S42-30 S42-30
NK S42-30
PI 556762
Essex X AgriPro 35
OK88-5409 Forrest X Essex
OK88-5420 Douglas X Essex
OK89-5602 Bedford X EssexConfilicting parentage, maybe Essex x Sohoma
OK89-5618 Coker 156 X Essex
OK89-6001 Essex X Gail
Pennyrile PI 515961
Williams X EssexPVP 8700164
Pershing PI 548604
D67-3297 X EssexPVP 8500067
PI 527703 Asgrow A6381
N72-3038 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400095
PI 538774 HSC 721
[ ( Forrest x Essex ) x BedfordX TracyAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9000111
PI 540877 FFR 464
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000160
PI 542062 Pioneer P9381
( Essex x L69-4143X SpritePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000187
PI 556527 Asgrow A5312
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700111
PI 556587 Syngenta S53-34
Essex X MackNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700129
PI 556611 RA481
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000054
PI 556635 DPL 105
Dare X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100151
PI 556685 Asgrow A5308
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100084
PI 556688 Asgrow A4997
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
PI 556721 Hartz 5171
D66-12392 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300126
PI 556723 Syngenta S42-40
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400122
PI 556733 Pioneer P9471
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400072
PI 556734 Pioneer P9441
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400073
PI 556741 Coker 393
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400018
PI 556762 Syngenta S42-30
Essex X AP35Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500119
PI 556766 B335
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500116
PI 556773 Pioneer P9591
Essex X YorkPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500143, F7 single seed decent
PI 556799 Pioneer P9361
Essex X L69-4143Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600125
PI 556831 HS 339
Asgrow A3127 X ( Williams x Essex )Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700052
PI 556842 Pioneer P9641
Essex X DavisPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700106
PI 556865 Syngenta S34-19
B152 X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800143
PI 556902 6925
Essex X ForrestNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900284
PI 556905 FFR 398
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 8900109
PI 592549 Pioneer P9611
Pioneer P9592 X [ ( Pioneer P9561 x Asgrow A5618 ) x ( Forrest x Essex ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600065
PI 598215 Syngenta S24-12
[ B152 x ( Cutler 71 x Essex ) ] X Syngenta S29-20Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700318
Pioneer P9361 PI 556799
Essex X L69-4143Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600125
Pioneer P9381 PI 542062
( Essex x L69-4143X SpritePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000187
Pioneer P9441 PI 556734
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400073
Pioneer P9471 PI 556733
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400072
Pioneer P9591 PI 556773
Essex X YorkPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500143, F7 single seed decent
Pioneer P9611 PI 592549
Pioneer P9592 X [ ( Pioneer P9561 x Asgrow A5618 ) x ( Forrest x Essex ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600065
Pioneer P9641 PI 556842
Essex X DavisPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700106
R62-550 Essex X G. soja???
RA-452 NK RA-452
NK RA452
Northrup King RA452
Williams X Essex
RA481 PI 556611
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000054
S42-40 PI 556723
Williams X EssexPVP 8400122
S76-2109 PI 548604
D67-3297 X EssexPVP 8500067
S76-2120 D67-3297 X Essex
S76-2194 D67-3297 X Essex
S76-2203 D67-3297 X Essex
S76-2392 Essex X Mitchell
S76-2425 D70-3115 X Essex
S76-8065 D70-3115 X Essex
S82-1318 Essex X D74-7741
S82-1338 Essex X D74-7741
S84-1876 Bedford X Essex
S85-1008 Bedford X Essex
S85-1009 Bedford X Essex
S85-1706 Bedford X Essex
S86-1474 S79-4240 X Essex
S87-1551 Essex X Epps
S88-1855 Essex (2) X PI 90763
Sampson PI 556817
Bragg X EssexPVP 8600068
Syngenta S24-12 PI 598215
[ B152 x ( Cutler 71 x Essex ) ] X Syngenta S29-20Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700318
Syngenta S34-19 PI 556865
B152 X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800143
Syngenta S42-30 PI 556762
Essex X AP35Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500119
Syngenta S42-40 PI 556723
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400122
Syngenta S53-34 PI 556587
Essex X MackNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700129
TN-EXW2-051 Essex X Williams 82
TN-EXW2-111 Essex X Williams 82
TN-EXW2-141 Essex X Williams 82
TN77-111 D68-127 X EssexDwarf mutant of D68-127
TN80-69 Essex X J74-40
TN80-83 Essex X J74-40
TN82-268 Essex X ( Bay x N73-520 )
TN82-94 Essex (5) X ( Bay (2) x N73-520 )
Toano PI 508268
Ware X Essex
U07-402918 U01-390489 X ( U00-429037 x Essex )
V04-0807 Essex MON RR X V94-0189
V75-345 Essex X Shore
V76-398 Essex X SRF 400
V76-411 Essex X SRF 400
V76-465 Essex X SRF 400
V76-482 Essex X SRF 400
V78-184 PI 518664
V68-1034 X Essex
V78-444 Selection from EssexMutant of Essex
V78-713 Essex X V68-1171
V78-727 Essex X V68-1171
V79-1362 Essex X Williams
V79-881 Essex X Ransom
V79-882 Essex X Ransom
V80-174B Hodgson X Essex
V80-2165 Essex X V68-1171
V80-2476 Hodgson X Essex
V81-1325 PI 553048
Essex X G. soja
V81-141 Essex X V71-793
V81-942 Essex X V67-1370
V83-1357 Essex (3) X L73-811
V83-2298 Will X Essex
V85-3336 Essex X R75-576
V87-299 Essex X V79-2856
V87-396 Essex X LS79-330
V96-4181 Southern States SS516 X ( Essex x Vance )Sister line of Vance
V96-4486 Vance X ( Essex x Vance ) Sister line of Vance used as parent
V97-1827 Essex X ( Hutcheson (3) x Avery )
V97-1843 Essex X ( Hutcheson (3) x Avery )
Vance PI 553048
Essex X G. soja
VS20-394 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-402 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-405 ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-406 ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-412 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) )
VS22-523 Forrest X Essex
VS22-524 Forrest X Essex
VS22-537 Forrest X Essex
VS94-08    ( PI 381668 x York (2) ) X ( L760132 x Essex (2) )Parentage conflict
VS94-11 PI 632747
L76-0049 X Essex
Vs95-154 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) )
VS95-78 ( L760132 x Essex (2) ) X ( L760132 x Essex (2) )
Vs97-318 L76-0132 X Essex (2)
VS97-349 PI 96089 X Essex (2)
VS98-363 PI 159319 X Essex (2)
VS98-369 PI 159319 X Essex (2)
X5421 Essex X K1017
XP4982 Asgrow A4997
PI 556688
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
Young PI 508266
Davis X Essex

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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