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Reference Report for IND86074049
Title:Interactions of peanut mottle virus strains and soybean germplasm.
Authors:Bays, D.C., Tolin, S.A., Roane, C.W.
Source:Phytopath. 1986, 76(8):764-768
Abstract:The reactions of selected soybean cultivars and plant introductions to peanut mottle virud (PMV) varied with virus isolate. Twelve isolates were classified into five strain groups (P1-P5) based on reactions of soybean cultivars Lee 68, York, Virginia, and Cumberland. Strain group P1 members caused severe symptoms in Lee 68, Virginia, and Cumberland but caused no symptoms in York. Strain group P2 members caused severe symptoms in Lee 68, mild symptoms in Virginia and Cumberland, and no symptoms in York. Strain group P3 members caused mild symptoms in Lee 68, Virginia, and Cumberland and none in York. Strain group P4 members caused mild symptoms in Cumberland, severe symptoms in Lee 68, and none in Virginia and York. Strain group P5 members caused mild symptoms in only Lee 68 and York. Of 37 additional cultivars and lines tested, 26 responded like Lee 68, except symptom severity varied in plants infected with P2 and P4 strains, four responded like York, and seven were resistant in all strains. The reaction of certain soybean germ plasm to the five strains could be used to determine the identity of known genes for resistance to PMV.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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