Workshop Coordinators:
Katy Martin Rainey (Public Breeder), Purdue Univ. - Overall planning and coordination
Hari Ramasubramaniam (Plant Pathologist), Syngenta Seeds Inc. - Hotel arrangements
Danny Singh (Public Breeder), Iowa State Univ. - Program Chair, Tuesday General Session
Seth Naeve (Public Agronomist/Physiologist), Univ. Minnesota, Co-Chair, Tuesday General Session

Monday, February 17

1:301:40Katy Martin RaineyWelcome and announcements
1:402:10Kristin Bilyeu & Tiffany Langewisch, USDA-ARS, Columbia, MODeveloping an E Gene Molecular Model for Soybean Maturity Groups
2:102:40Brian Diers, Univ. IllinoisSoyNAM Project Update
2:402:50Coffee Break
2:503:20Yong-qiang Charles An,
USDA-ARS, St. Louis, MO
Exploring Soybean Transcript Polymorphisms to Identify Gene Variants and Functional Markers for Seed Quality Improvement
3:203:50Jianxin Ma, Purdue Univ.Genetic Basis of Soybean Stem Growth Habit and its Potential Application for Development of High-yielding, Climate-resilient Soybean
3:504:20Mike Gore, Cornell Univ.Genome-Wide Analysis of Metabolic Traits in Maize
4:204:50Peter Goldsmith, Univ. IllinoisTropical Soybean Research: USAID's New Soybean Innovation Lab
4:505:20John Becherer, CEO,
United Soybean Board
Considerations in Capturing Soybean Component Value from the Soybean Value Chain
5:20 Katy Martin RaineyAnnouncements and Adjourn

Tuesday, February 18, General Session

Chair, Public Breeder: Danny Singh, Iowa State
Co-Chair, Public Agronomist/Physiologist: Seth Naeve, Univ. Minnesota
7:008:00Continental Breakfast, Versailles Foyer
8:008:05Danny SinghGeneral Introduction
SESSION I: Soybean Drought Stress (Chairs: Tommy Carter, USDA-ARS, Raleigh & George Graef, Univ. Nebraska)
8:058:35Tom Sinclair, NC StatePhysiological Input for Improved Soybean Drought Tolerance
8:359:05Jim Specht, Univ. NebraskaSoybean Yield Response to Scarce or Abundant Water- Retrospect and Prospect
9:059:30Pengyin Chen, Univ. ArkansasDrought Tolerance Traits for Improving Soybean Yield Under Stress
9:309:55Charlie Messina, PioneerDeveloping Drought Tolerant Maize Hybrids for the US Corn-belt: Discovery to Product
9:5510:10Coffee Break
SESSION II: Phenotyping and Physiology of Soybean Traits (Chairs: Brian Diers, Univ. Illinois & Jim Specht, Univ. Nebraska)
10:1010:35Mike Gore, Cornell Univ.High Throughput Phenotyping: Research and Potential Applications in Crops
10:3511:00Felix Fritschi, Univ. MissouriMapping Physiological Traits
11:0011:25Bill Schapaugh, Kansas State Univ.Physiological and Spectral Parameters in Soybean Associated with Seed Yield
11:2511:50Spyridon Mourtizinis, Univ. WisconsinThe Use of Reflectance and Weather Data for in Season Soybean Yield Prediction
11:5012:05Carol Fox, Univ. IllinoisHigh-throughput Photosynthesis Analysis in SoyNAM
12:0512:20Katy Martin Rainey, Purdue Univ.Phenotyping Canopy Closure in SoyNAM Using Digital Imagery
1:501:55Seth NaeveIntroduction and Announcements
SESSION III: Soybean Production Management (Chair: Seth Naeve, Univ. Minnesota)
1:552:20Shawn Conley, Univ. WisconsinGenetic Gain X Management Interactions
2:202:45Seth NaeveMax Yields Through Crop Inputs: A National Project
2:453:10Larry Purcell, Univ. ArkansasThe Physiology Behind 100+ Bushel Yields in Arkansas
3:103:35TBD-PioneerPrescriptions for Farmers: Field 360
SESSION IV: Soybean Seed Composition (Chair: Clem Weidbrenner, HAPI-Ohio)
3:504:15Rouf Mian, Ohio State Univ.Increasing soybean seed protein without negative effect on yield
4:154:35Jim Sutter, CEO,
US Soybean Export Council
What our international purchasers are requesting
4:35 Announcements & Adjourn

Wednesday, February 19

8:008:10Katy M. Rainey, Purdue Univ.
Poster Committee
Welcome and Announcements
A brief explanation of how the SBW operates
Poster Winners Announced
8:108:25Rich Joost,
SmithBucklin/United Soybean Board
The USB/Monsanto/Pioneer International High-Oleic Soy Collaboration
8:258:35The cross commodity ASTA protocol for establishing and maintaining genetic integrity in breeding materials
8:359:00Jiaoping Zhang, South Dakota State Univ.Genome-wide Association Study of Agronomic and Seed Quality Traits for Early Mature Soybean Germplasm
9:009:20From the FloorRetirements & Announcements
9:209:35Gary Stacey, Univ. MissouriNovel germplasm resources for soybean breeding and genetics
9:359:50Perry Cregan, USDA-ARS, BeltsvilleStatus of the 50K SNP genotyping of germplasm collection
9:5010:05David Grant, USDA-ARS, AmesSoyBase Update
10:0510:20Committee MemberSoybean Germplasm Committee Report
10:2010:35David WootenSoybean Genetics Committee Report
10:3510:50Kristin Bilyeu, USDA-ARS, ColumbiaSoyGEC report
  Katy Martin RaineyAdjourn