The Soybean Genetics Committee met from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., Monday, February 15, 2006 at the Sheraton Westport Hotel, St. Louis, MO at the Soybean Breeders Workshop.
Committee members present were:
1. Vince Pantalone, (2008) University of TN
2. Dr. David Walker (2008), University of GA
3. Dr. Elroy Cober (2007), Agriculture & Agri. Food, Canada
4. Dr .Grover Shannon, Chair (2007), University of Missouri.
5. Dr. John Tamulones (2006), Monsanto Company, IA
6. Dr. Prakash Arelli (2006), USDA-ARS, TN
7. Dr. David Grant [Ex-Officio], USDA-ARS, IA
8. Dr. Randy Nelson [Ex-Officio], USDA-ARS, IL
Grover Shannon called the meeting to order and greeted new members who replace John Tamulones and Prakash Arelli whose terms expire at the end of the meeting. New members are:
9. Jim Narvel, (2009) Monsanto Company, VA
10. Rouf Mian, (2009) USDA-ARS, OH
Reid Palmer, Iowa State University indicated that an article published in Crop Science (1996) 36:1153-1156 stated the Soybean Genetics Committee had tentatively approved a gene symbol rj8 for nodulation response. Prakash Arelli reviewed previous Soybean Genetics Committee minutes and indicated no such approval by the committee. The committee decided to review the article immediately and to approve the symbol based on the data presented in the article.
The Gene symbol Rag1was approved for aphid resistance from the Dowling soybean. The aphid resistant gene from Jackson soybean was given the symbol Rag until it can be determined to be the same or a different allele than from Dowling. The committee also approved male sterility alleles at the same locus Ms2ms2 (Ames 1) and Ms2ms2 (Ames 2).
It was noted that people who name and publish new gene symbols or QTL be encouraged to submit manuscripts to the Soybean Genetics Committee for approval to insure symbols and QTL are properly named and correctly added to soybase.
David Grant reported that gene symbols and QTL are current on soybase with new information being added as it becomes available.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.